Le séminaire symplectix du 4 février est intégré dans la rencontre de l'ANR Cosy des 3-4-5 février.

Exposé de Mélanie Bertelson (Bruxelles) le vendredi 4 février 10h-11h à Jussieu en salle 15-25-502


Title : A construction of locally conformal symplectic structures

Résumé : We describe a construction of a locally conformal symplectic structure homotopic to any given non-degenerate 2-form and whose Lee form can be any non-exact 1-form. Each connected component of the boundary, if any, may be chosen to be concave or convex and to inherit a given overtwisted contact structure. On the other hand, for codimension one foliations, a leafwise locally conformal symplectic structure whose Lee form coincides with the holonomy 1-form of the foliation, yields a contact structure. Unfortunately, the h-principle described above does not admit a foliated version, unless the ambient manifold has a non-empty boundary that intersects all the leaves (plus some other necessary conditions). This is a joint work with Gaël Meigniez.

Prochaines séances: 11 mars (A. Gadbled, Y. Rollin, ?),

Autre activité symplectique à Paris:

- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay
- Symplectic Zoominar (les vendredis hors symplectix à 15:15, heure de Paris)