Symplectix 18 juin 2021

Séminaire actuellement dans le cadre du trimestre IHP.
Pour plus d'info voir ici:

10h45 : Sushmita Venugopalan (IMSc, Chennai)

Title :  Tropical Fukaya Algebras

Abstract: A multiple cut operation on a symplectic manifold produces a collection of cut spaces, each containing relative normal crossing divisors. We explore what happens to curve count-based invariants when a collection of cuts is applied to a symplectic manifold. The invariant we consider is the Fukaya algebra of a Lagrangian submanifold that is contained in the complement of relative divisors.
The ordinary Fukaya algebra in the unbroken manifold is homotopy equivalent to a `broken Fukaya algebra' whose structure maps count `broken disks' associated with rigid tropical graphs. Via a further
degeneration, the broken Fukaya algebra is homotopy equivalent to a `tropical Fukaya algebra' whose structure maps are sums of products over vertices of tropical graphs.
This is joint work with Chris Woodward.

13h45 : Steven Sivek (Imperial College London) 

Title: Khovanov homology and the cinquefoil

Abstract: In this talk I will outline a proof that Khovanov homology detects the (2,5) torus knot. The proof makes use of deep results in Floer homology and many recent developments in Khovanov homology and homotopy, but, perhaps surprisingly, it does not require us to know that knot Floer homology detects T(2,5). This is joint work with John Baldwin and Ying Hu.