Symplectix 11 juin 2021


Séminaire actuellement dans le cadre du trimestre IHP.
Pour plus d'info voir ici:

10h45 : Pierre Dehornoy (U. Grenoble Alpes)

Title : The genus-one question for open book decomposition

Abstract: In dimension 3, every contact structure is supported by an open book decomposition. When the structure is overtwisted one can strengthen the statement and have an OBD with genus-zero pages. For tight structures, there are many examples of OBD with genus-one pages, and Etnyre asked around 2006 whether it always exists. The question is still open. I will discuss a parallel and related question, for Anosov flows instead of contact structures. I will explain some constructions of genus-one OBD, and report on a partial result for OBD with genus-two pages (with the assistance of a computer).

13h45 : Octav Cornea (U. de Montréal) 

Title: Triangulation and persistence.

Abstract: Mixing triangulation (in the sense of triangulated categories) with persistence
(as in persistence modules) leads to a class of interesting pseudo-metrics in a variety
of examples: metric spaces, Tamarkin categories, filtered topological spaces, Fukaya
categories. I will discuss some generalities concerning this machinery and how it
specifically applies to the symplectic context. The talk is based on joint work with
Paul Biran (ETH) and Jun Zhang (CRM).