Séance du 22 mai 2015

ATTENTION: Les horaires et lieus sont un peu inhabituels pour être compatibles avec le mini-cours de Marie-Claude Arnaud dont l'annonce est ici: 

11:15, en salle 201 à l'IHP:  

   Emmanuel Giroux (Lyon)
Existence of Lefschetz fibrations on Stein and Weinstein domains
Abstract: in this talk, I will present our joint work with John Pardon showing that every Stein or Weinstein domain may be realized (up to deformation) as a Lefschetz fibration over the disk. The proof is an application of Donaldson's quantitative transversality techniques.

au Collège de France 3 rue d'Ulm, salle de conférence du rez-de-chaussée:  
   Kaoru Ono (Kyoto)  
Idempotents in quantum cohomology and non-displaceable
Lagrangian submanifolds.

Abstract: In a joint work with Fukaya, Oh and Ohta, we gave
a criterion for a Lagrangian submanifold to be heavy/superheavy
with respect to a partial symplectic quasi-state associated with
an idempotent of quantum cohomology.  It fits quite well with
a generation criterion of Fukaya category, which we obtained
with Abouzaid.  I would like to explain our criterion with

Pas de séance en juin!