Séance du vendredi 16 novembre 2012

Lieu IHP, Salle 01 (attention : à date inhabituelle, salle inhabituelle!)

11h : Sobhan Seyfaddini (ENS) : C^0 limits of Hamiltonian paths and spectral invariants.

14h : Jonathan Bowden (Augsburg) : Contact structures, deformations and taut foliations.

16h : Lorenzo Zanelli (Ecole Polytechnique) : Some applications of the Aubry-Mather theory in semiclassical Analysis.

Les séances suivantes sont prévues les 7 décembre, 1er février, 1er mars, 5 avril , 26 avril, 7 juin.

Résumé des exposés :

11h : Sobhan Seyfaddini (ENS) : C^0 limits of Hamiltonian paths and spectral invariants.

Abstract: After briefly reviewing spectral invariants, I will write down an estimate, which under certain assumptions, relates the spectral invariants of a Hamiltonian to the C^0-distance of its flow from the identity.  Time permitting I will present a few applications to Hofer geometry.

14h : Jonathan Bowden (Augsburg) : Contact structures, deformations and taut foliations.

Abstract: H. Eynard has shown that any two taut foliations whose tangent distributions are homotopic as plane fields are also homotopic as foliations. We give examples of taut foliations that are not homotopic through taut foliations. Using similar methods we also show that the space of representations of the fundamental group of a hyperbolic surface to the group of smooth diffeomorphisms on the circle with fixed Euler class is in general not path connected. Time permitting, we shall also discuss the related question of which contact structures can be realised as perturbations of taut/ Reebless foliations.

16h : Lorenzo Zanelli (Ecole Polytechnique) : Some applications of the Aubry-Mather theory in semiclassical Analysis.

Abstract : We discuss the link between some results of the Aubry-Mather theory and the semiclassical study of the Wigner transform on the torus. We underline also the connection between a class of WKB energy quasi-modes and the Aubry set in the phase space.