Symplectix 2 février 2024

Location: IHP, room 201

The talks are broadcasted via Zoom:

10:45 Patrice Le Calvez (Sorbonne Université)
Periodic orbits of area preserving surface homeomorphism.

Abstract: In a joint work with Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf and Alejandro Passeggi we will explain why an area preserving homeomorphism of a closed surface isotopic to the identity that has a rotation vector with a rational direction has infinitely many periodic orbits (result independently proved by Rohil Prasad). More precisely, we will explain how associate to every non trivial ergodic measure an ``interval'' of periodic orbits.

Mihai Damian (Université de Strasbourg)
Morse type theories with differential graded coefficients and symplectic applications.

Motivated by questions on the existence of contractible periodic
characteristics on some hypersurfaces of the cotangent bundle, we
develop a general Morse theory with coefficients in a differential
graded module over the ring of singular chains of the based loop
space. This generalizes previous works of JF. Barraud and O. Cornea.
Joint with JF. Barraud, V. Humiliere and A. Oancea.

15:45 Yuhan Sun (Imperial College)
Cech complex of the symplectic cohomology.
Abstract: Symplectic cohomology behaves like a presheaf under the Viterbo restriction map. For a Liouville domain, if it is covered by Poisson-commuting Liouville subdomains then we will show the symplectic cohomology forms a sheaf on this cover. This enables us to do local-global computations via its Cech complex. Explicit examples will be discussed in the setting of Lagrangian torus fibrations, and of the Cieliebak-Oancea exact sequence for cobordisms. Joint with U. Varolgunes.

Next Symplectix:

01/03 (Berger, Deshmukh, Leclercq), 05/04 (Bechara, Lekili), 26/04 (Coté, Ward, ?)

Other symplectic activity in Paris:

- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay
- Symplectic Zoominar (every Fridays except Symplectix' Fridays at 15:15, Paris time)