Symplectix 5 février 2021

Séminaire à 10h45 puis à  13h45 en ligne via BBB :

10h45 : Alix Deleporte (Paris-Saclay)

Title: Quantization and Kähler geometry

Abstract: Quantization is a process which associates a classical mechanics problem (symplectic geometry) with a quantum mechanics problem (spectral theory or time evolution of a linear operator, notably of linear PDEs). Many symplectic objects have a quantum counterpart, and there is an ongoing dictionary between the properties on both sides.

During the last two decades, there has been a growing interest for a global quantization on (compact, boundaryless, integrable) Kähler or almost Kähler manifolds, the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, which encompasses Donaldson's peak sections, spin thermodynamics, automorphic forms, and pseudo-differential operators.

I will review recent progress in the development of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization, with a special emphasis on regularity, and will present some personal perspectives which I hope to be interesting from the point of view of symplectic geometry.

13h45 : Laurent Côté (IAS)

Title: Homological invariants of codimension 2 contact embeddings

Abstract:   There is a rich theory of transverse knots in 3-dimensional contact manifolds. It was a major open question in contact topology whether non-trivial transverse knots (i.e. codimension 2 contact embeddings) also exist in higher dimensions. This question was recently settled in the affirmative by Casals and Etnyre. Motivated by their result, I will talk about recent work with Francois-Simon Fauteux-Chapleau in which we develop invariants of codimension 2 contact embeddings using the machinery of symplectic field theory.