Séance du vendredi 15 mai 2020

Séance en visio-conférence à 13h45 (demander le lien par email à symplectix@gmail.com ).

Jack Smith (Cambridge, UK)

Title : RP^n-like Lagrangians in CP^n

Given a smooth Fano variety of complex dimension n, it is well known that its Fano index is bounded above by n+1, with equality precisely for CP^n.  Inside CP^n one can consider monotone ("relatively Fano") Lagrangians L, and the analogous bound states that the minimal Maslov number of L is at most n+1.  The only known equality case, up to Hamiltonian isotopy, is RP^n, and Biran and Cornea conjectured that there really are no others.  I will describe joint work with Momchil Konstantinov in which we prove the conjecture at the level of homotopy equivalence.

Séance suivante : avec Yanki Lekili le 29 Mai.

A noter, le vendredi à 15h15 heure de Paris : Symplectic Zoominar (CRM-Montreal, Princeton/IAS, Tel Aviv, and Paris):   https://dms.umontreal.ca/~cornea/Seminar.html