Séance du 13 décembre 2019

Lieu: IHP, salle 01.

ATTENTION: Suite à une annulation, le programme est légèrement modifié.

11:00 Peter Albers (Heidelberg)
Polygonal symplectic billiards.
Abstract: I will explain the definition and present basic properties of a billiard system which we call symplectic billiards. After the general part I will focus on the polygonal case and present several results and conjectures which are inspired by numerical experiments.

14:15 Roman Golovko (Prague)
On Legendrian products and twist spuns.
Abstract: The Legendrian product of two Legendrian knots, as defined by Lambert-Cole, is a Legendrian torus. We show that this Legendrian torus is a twist spun whenever one of the Legendrian knot components is sufficiently large. We then study examples of Legendrian products which are not Legendrian isotopic to twist spuns. In order to do this, we prove a few structural results on the bilinearised Legendrian contact homology and augmentation variety of a twist spun. In addition, we show that the threefold Bohr-Sommerfeld covers of the Clifford torus and Chekanov torus are not twist spuns. This is joint work with Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell.

Prochaines séances: 10 janvier (Florio, Giroux, Buhovsky), 6 mars (Bertelson, De Groote, ?), 3 avril (Fermé, ? , ?)

Autre activité symplectique à Paris:
Séminaire Nantes-Orsay