Lieu: IHP, salle 201
11:00 Honghao Gao (Northwestern & Jussieu)
Augmentations and sheaves for knot conormals.
Abstract: Knot invariants can be defined using Legendrian isotopy invariants of the knot conormal. There are two types of invariants raised in this way: one is the knot contact differential graded algebra together with augmentations associated to this dga, and the other one is the category of simple sheaves microsupported along the knot conormal. Nadler-Zaslow correspondence suggests a connection between the two types of invariants. Moreover, augmentations specialized to “Q=1” have been understood through KCH representations.
I will present a classification result of simple sheaves, and relate it to KCH representations and two-variable augmentation polynomials. I will also present a Radon transform for sheaf categories, and explain how it corresponds to the specialization of Q on the sheaf side.
14:15 Maia Fraser (Ottawa)
Generating function-based capacities, old and new, and contact non-squeezing.
Abstract: Viterbo’s symplectic capacity of domains in R^{2n} and Sandon’s contact capacity of domains in R^{2n} × S 1 can be seen as persistences of certain homology classes in the persistence module formed by generating function (GF) homology groups. While Sandon’s capacity c_S(−) allows to re-prove non-squeezing of any pre-quantized ball B(R) × S 1 with integral R into itself (originally due to Eliashberg-Kim-Polterovich 2006), by introducing filtration-decreasing morphisms between GF homology groups one can set up a functor from a sub-category of the poset D × Z to Vect, where D is the category of bounded domains with inclusion. Persistences in this persistence module yield a sequence m_\ell(−), \ell ∈ N of integer-valued contact capacities for pre-quantized balls, such that m_1 is related to c_S and higher m_\ell allow to re-prove non-squeezing via contact isotopies of B(R) × S 1 into itself for any R>1 (originally due to Chiu 2014). I will sketch the construction of these new GF capacities and revisit old ones along the way.
16:00 Claude Viterbo (ENS)
Quantification des Lagrangiennes par le complexe de Floer.
Abstract: On montre comment quantifier des lagrangiennes du cotangent en
utilisant le complexe de Floer. On en déduit par ailleurs un certain
nombre de résultats liant l'homologie de Floer et faisceaux.
Prochaines séances: après l'été...
Autre activité symplectique à Paris:
- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay,