Location: IHP, room 201
The talks are broadcasted via Zoom:
10:45 Adrian Petr (Odense)
A universal characterization of the curved A-infinity operad.
Abstract: According to Floer theory, a Lagrangian L in a symplectic manifold gives rise to a curved A-infinity algebra CF(L). In operadic language, we say that CF(L) is an algebra over the curved A-infinity operad.
In this talk, we will introduce a category `Curv' of operads equipped with a distinguished curvature term. We determine the initial element: it is the curved A-infinity operad -- thus giving a universal characterization of this structure.
We then show that the operadic twisting procedure comes from the adjunction for the forgetful functor from Curv to operads over A-infinity. For symmetric operads, the same ideas characterize the curved L-infinity operad and the corresponding twisting procedure.
This is based on joint work with Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi and Vivek Shende..
14:00 Robin Riegel (Strasbourg)
A Morse theoretical approach to the Chas-Sullivan product.
Abstract: Barraud, Damian, Humilière and Oancea introduced Morse Homology with differential graded coefficients which they show to be a particularly adapted framework to give a finite dimensional approach to study the homology of total spaces of fibrations over a closed manifold. We will discuss how this new theory enables to build a model for (and generalize) a fundamental operation in string topology, the Chas-Sullivan product on the free loop space of a closed manifold.
15:45 Shuo Zhang (Beijing)
Composed Dehn twist exact sequence through A infinity n-modules.
Abstract: We prove the quilted Floer cochain complexes form A infinity n-modules over the Fukaya category of Lagrangian correspondences. Then we prove that when we restrict the input to mapping cones of product Lagrangians and graphs, the resulting bar-type complex can be identified with bar complex from ordinary Floer theory. As an application we use a family version of quilt unfolding argument to prove two long exact sequences conjectured by Seidel that relates the Lagrangian Floer cohomology of a collection of (possibly intersecting) Lagrangian spheres and the fixed point Floer cohomology of composition of Dehn twists along them. .
Next symplectix:
Other symplectic activity in Paris (and in France):
- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay- Symplectic Zoominar (every Fridays at 15:15 (except Symplectix' Fridays) Paris time)