Symplectix 26 avril 2024

Location: IHP, room 314

The talks are broadcasted via Zoom:

10:45 Laurent Côté (Bonn)  
Morse-Bott methods in Floer homotopy theory.
Abstract: I will talk about a joint project with Y. Baris Kartal whose purpose is to incorporate Morse--Bott methods into Floer homotopy theory. Morse--Bott methods have the prospect of being useful for two reasons. First, they simplify equivariant constructions: for example, we used these methods to define a lift of circle equivariant symplectic homology to equivariant spectra.  Second, they enable new computations. As a step in this direction, we used Morse--Bott methods to compute the (equivariant) local Floer homology of the orbit of an autonomous Hamiltonian, but I hope and expect that one can push such computations significantly further.

14:00 Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell (Upsala)
Non-shrinking of Legendrians in prequantization bundles and non-squeezing of open subsets.

Abstract: We use a version of Rabinowitz-Floer homology for Legendrians defined using Symplectic Field Theory, and its filtered invariance, to show that Legendrian lifts of Bohr—Sommerfeld Lagrangians cannot be ``shrunk’’ by Legendrian isotopy. Applications includes contact non-squeezing results for preimages of symplectic balls and cubes under the prequantization-bundle projection. This is joint work in progress with M. Sullivan.

Abigail Ward (Cambridge)  CANCELLED

Other symplectic activity in Paris:

- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay
- Symplectic Zoominar (every Fridays except Symplectix' Fridays at 15:15, Paris time)