Symplectix 12 novembre 2021

 Lieu: IHP, amphi Hermite.

The seminar will take place in presence, but will be broadcasted via zoom

10:45 Bingyu Zhang (Grenoble)
On computing of the Chiu-Tamarkin complex.
Abstract: The Chiu-Tamarkin complex is a cohomology theory of open sets in cotangent bundles, which is defined using microlocal sheaves. I will explain its computation on convex toric domains. The value for a sequence of capacities defined using the Chiu-Tamarkin complex is then demonstrated using the computation. If time permits, I will go over recent computation on the unit disk bundle.

14:00 Vincent Colin (Nantes)
On the genericity of Birkhoff sections and topological entropy for Reeb vector fields in dimension 3.
Abstract: In a joint work with Pierre Dehornoy and Ana Rechtman we proved that in dimension 3 every nondegenerate Reeb vector field is carried by a broken book decomposition. Together with Dehornoy, Hryniewicz and Rechtman, we elaborate on this result to prove that C^1 or C^\infty generically, depending on cases, Reeb vector fields admit Birkhoff sections. We also obtain the genericity of topological entropy.

15:45 Benoit Joly (Bochum)
Barcodes for Hamiltonian homeomorphisms of surfaces
Abstract: In this talk, we will study the Floer Homology barcodes from a dynamical point of view. Our motivation comes from recent results in symplectic topology using barcodes to obtain dynamical results. We will give the ideas of new constructions of barcodes for Hamiltonian homeomorphisms of surfaces using Le Calvez's transverse foliation theory. The strategy consists in copying the construction of the Floer and Morse Homologies using dynamical tools like Le Calvez's foliations.


 Prochaines séances: 3 décembre (A. Florio, C.-Y. Mak, HDR Zavidovique), 7 janvier (A. Keating, E. Cineli, ?), 4 février (M. Bertelson, ?, ?)

Autre activité symplectique à Paris:

- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay