Location: IHP, room 201
The talks are broadcasted via Zoom:
10:45 Vivek Shende (Odense)
A topological classification of generating functions.
From a generating function for a Legendrian in a 1-jet bundle, one may extract the following topological information: (1) a trivialization of the stable Gauss map, (2) the sheaf of sub-level-set stable cohomotopies, and (3) an identification of the microlocalization of the latter with the J-homomorphism image of the former. Here we show that in fact (1), (2), (3) completely classify generating functions up to the natural equivalence relations of stabilization and fiberwise diffeomorphism.
This talk presents joint work with Sylvain Courte.
14:00 Oğuz Şavk (Nantes)
Homology concordances and links of isolated singularities of complex hypersurfaces.
Abstract: In this talk, I will present my ongoing joint work with Marco Golla on the study of the homology concordance group, one of the high-dimensional generalizations of the concordance group to homology spheres and homology cobordisms. In particular, I will discuss the subgroup generated by links of Brieskorn-Pham singularities (which can be thought of as high-dimensional torus knots).
15:45 Seungook Yu (Nantes)
Contact instantons and its Legendrian Floer cohomology in one-jet bundle.
Abstract: In the study of Floer theory in contact geometry, symplectization has been widely used. However, the symplectization process may result in the loss of geometric or topological information inherent to the given contact manifold. To address this, it is necessary to develop Floer theory directly on contact manifolds without relying on symplectization. Contact instantons have been introduced as a tool to achieve this goal. In this talk, I will introduce contact instantons and use them to define Legendrian Floer cohomology for Legendrian submanifolds that are Hamiltonian isotopic to the zero section in one-jet bundles. If time permits, I will also discuss the construction of spectral invariants as an application. This is a joint work with Yong-Geun Oh. .
Next symplectix:
7/03, 4/04
Other symplectic activity in Paris (and in France):
- CAST 2025 Workshop (6-8 February in Grenoble)- Séminaire Nantes-Orsay
- Symplectic Zoominar (every Fridays at 15:15 (except Symplectix' Fridays) Paris time)